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manufacturing execution system (mes)

looking ahead to the government’s “made in china 2025” initiative’s goals, we are achieving intelligent production and intelligence analysis through our in-house mes system. we plan to shortly become a highly-efficient and intelligent facility delivering premier quality and high-level automation.

 q intelligent mes 

      • intelligent manufacturing execution control

      • intelligent manufacturing logistics system

      • intelligent production control center

      • highly flexible automated production line

q intelligent mes analysis

      • intelligent reporting system

      • intelligent andon control

      • intelligent data analysis system

      • intelligent information push

mes capacity

our mes system is capable of integrating various on-site systems and installations, including manufacturing equipment, inspection equipment, data collection, and dashboards. this allows real-time reporting about such on-site production conditions as material management, inventory operations, and anomaly alerts, providing management and clients with subsequent resource integration, tracing, and other services.

